The Starship and the Temple Cat by Yoon Ha Lee - 5 Stars
This magical and touching short story was a wonderful read and also and interesting take on just what it might mean to be dead and a cat!
El is a Spaceship Melody by Maurice Broaddus - 5 Stars
This story is thought-provoking, interesting and manage to get me teared up over something I would not have thought possible prior to reading it. The development of the characters was much more complex than I would have thought possible for such a short piece. I really loved it and the possibilities it suggests!
Where the Anchor Lies by Benjamin C. Kinney - 5 Stars
Wow... the concept of this story was unique, yet felt somehow familiar at the same time. Parts of it had a resonance that felt similar to some things that have been happening in our own country this last year. It really made me think.